Davide Schiffer

Davide Schiffer
Policlinico di Monza Foundation,
Via Pietro Micca 29, 13100 Vercelli

  • Research Article
    Glioblastoma Stem Cells: Conversion or Reprogramming from Tumor Non- Stem Cells?
    Author(s): Davide Schiffer, Laura Annovazzi, Paola Cassoni, Maria Consuelo Valentini, Marta Mazzucco and Marta Mellai Davide Schiffer, Laura Annovazzi, Paola Cassoni, Maria Consuelo Valentini, Marta Mazzucco and Marta Mellai

    It is widely accepted that gliomas origin from immature glia and the most important hypothesis is that this origin is from glioblastoma stem cells (GSCs). GSCs are responsible for tumor growth, proliferation, therapy resistance and recurrence. They may represent transformed normal neural stem cells (NSCs), embryonically regressed adult glia or, simply, a functional status that could be regulated by the tumor microenvironment. Objective of the work is to interpret all the immunohistochemical, genetic and in vitro culture features of primary tumors and cell lines in favor of the above mentioned hypothesis on the functional status and microenvironment. A series of glioblastomas (GBMs) have been studied after stereotactic biopsies for expression of stemness and differentiation antigens, genetic aberrations and stem cell generation potential by immunohistochemical, immunofluorescence, mole.. View More»
    DOI: 10.4172/2157-7633.1000315

    Abstract PDF