Daniel Munteanu

Daniel Munteanu


  • Research Article
    Influence of the Implant Prosthetic Restorations Components on the Stress Values and Distribution in Surrounding Bone - Finite Element Analysis Study
    Author(s): Livia Alice Tănăsescu, Marina Imre, Constantin Dăguci, Mircea Horia Å¢ierean, Daniel Munteanu and Oana Cella Andrei Livia Alice Tănăsescu, Marina Imre, Constantin Dăguci, Mircea Horia Å¢ierean, Daniel Munteanu and Oana Cella Andrei

    Background: This FEA study aims to help the dentists in choosing the most appropriate implant-prosthetic components for predictable results in cases of deficient bone quality and quantity; this type of analysis can be made without biological implications. Methods: we used 3.75 mm diameter implants, in molar mandibular area, with 8, 10, 11.5 and 13 mm lengths, straight, angled 15° and 25° abutments and a two mesio-distal dimensions metal-ceramic crown (12 and 7.6 mm). The von Mises stress distribution in bone was analyzed using IBM Autodesk Inventor 2014 software. Results: maximum von Mises stress decreases in cortical bone from 40.3 MPa for the 8 mm implant to 35.03 MPa for the 13 mm implant and in trabecular bone from 5.073 MPa to 4.214 MPa; in cortical bone is rising from 39.07 MPa in the straight abutment to 56.2 MPa in the 25° angled abutment, while.. View More»
    DOI: 10.4172/2167-7182.1000242

    Abstract PDF