Bruno Michel

  • Short Communication
    Angiotensin Converting Enzyme Inhibitors and Sartans in a Geriatric Setting: Impact of Therapeutic Interchange
    Author(s): Hervé Javelot *,Anne Marquis ,Bruno Michel ,Jean Grandidier Hervé Javelot *,Anne Marquis ,Bruno Michel ,Jean Grandidier

    Background: Therapeutic interchange is widely used in geriatric settings, such as angiotensin enzyme converting inhibitors and angiotensin II receptor antagonists and angiotensin receptor blockers (sartans). Objective: we evaluate the clinical impact (efficacy and tolerance) of a therapeutic interchange program for noncomplicated hypertension. Method: 13 patients receiving angiotensin enzyme converting inhibitors and 7 patients under sartans were followed-up during 6 months after a therapeutic interchange to a first line drug: Ramipril and valsartan, respectively. Results: all the substitutions were well tolerated and no significant difference was observed for diastolic and systolic pressure after therapeutic interchange. Conclusion: therapeutic interchange on a.. View More»
    DOI: 10.4172/2167-7182.1000419

    Abstract PDF