B.M. Gupta

B.M. Gupta
National Institute of Science, Technology & Development Studies (NISTADS), CSIR, 110 012,
New Delhi

  • Research Article
    Heredity Blood Disorders (HBD): A Scientometric Analysis of Publications Output from India during 2002-2011
    Author(s): BM GuptaBM Gupta

    This study analyses the heredity blood disorder research output carried out during 2002-11 on different parameters including the global publications share and citation quality of top 10 leading countries, India’s growth, citation impact, share of international collaborative papers, contribution of major collaborative partner countries, contribution of various subject fields and by type of heredity blood disorder, pattern of research communication in most productive journals, productivity and citation profile of top Indian institutions and authors and characteristics of high cited papers. The SCOPUS Citation Database has been used to retrieve the data for 10 years (2002-11). Conclude that there is a need to create comprehensive care services, including diagnosis and management of the heredity blood disorders in Indian context. For this purpose, there is need to undertake more R&a.. View More»
    DOI: 10.4172/2155-9864.1000126

    Abstract PDF