Biltayib Misbah
Research Article
Effects of Directional Permeability Anisotropy on Sweep Efficiency for Five-Spot and Nine-Spot Pattern Flood
Author(s): Dr. Saad A Balhasan*, Biltayib Misbah and Mohamed A OmerDr. Saad A Balhasan*, Biltayib Misbah and Mohamed A Omer
Water flooding is the dominant fluid injection technique and is frequently applied worldwide secondary recovery process, which involves water injection in the oil formation under high pressure through an injection well to enhance oil recovery of the well(s) of interest. In order to plan implement successful water flooding optimum number of wells and location must be selected. This involves successful and judicious selection of water flood pattern to increase the reserves. This study emphasizes on important and effect of water flood pattern on oil recovery. This paper will also address the effect of the directional permeability on Cartesian and uniform grid. The patterns studied were fivespot and nine-spot pattern and by ignoring the gravity and capillary pressure the designed model will calculate the pressure and the water saturation for all nodes in five and nine spots scheme. The wo.. View More»