Bechem Emmanuel Egbeyong

Bechem Emmanuel Egbeyong

Coventry CV4 7AL, England
United Kingdom

  • Research Article
    Corruption in Cameroon: Public Perception on the Role and Effectiveness of the Different Anti-Corruption Agencies
    Author(s): Bechem Emmanuel EgbeyongBechem Emmanuel Egbeyong

    Corruption is a phenomenon with serious consequences that affects all communities in the world. In Cameroon, its effects are widespread in the Public and Private sectors. Cameroon has twice been classified as the most corrupt state in the world-1998 and 1999 as per Transparency International indices. The government has put several structures in place to fight this ill, but the population is still too clearly understand their roles. A study was therefore carried out to determine the public’s perception of the roles and effectiveness of the different anti-corruption agencies. Semi-structured questionnaires were administered to the public in Buea. Interviews were conducted with some workers of the major anticorruption agencies. Respondents agreed that corruption was a major problem and that its existence was due to lack of transparency, no accountability, greed, inadequate sensitiz.. View More»
    DOI: 10.4172/2315-7844.1000235

    Abstract PDF