Bazhenov MA
Research Article
Determination of Tellurium in Tellurium-Containing Organic Compounds by Microwave Plasma-Atomic Emission Spectrometry
Author(s): Lastovka AV, Fadeeva VP, Bazhenov MA and Tikhova VD
Lastovka AV, Fadeeva VP, Bazhenov MA and Tikhova VD
A method for determining tellurium in tellurium-containing organic compounds (TOC) by a microwave plasmaatomic emission spectrometer Agilent 4100 has been suggested. One of the sample decomposition methods - the oxygen flask combustion or the acid decomposition in a heating block-can be applied. Telluradiazole derivatives and some other TOC with 20 to 58% tellurium content have been analyzed. Elements such as nitrogen, sulfur, potassium, selenium present in the TOC do not prevent from determining tellurium. The relative error of the analysis is 1-5%.
Telluradiazole derivatives and some other tellurium-containing organic compounds with 20 to 58% tellurium content have been analysed by MP-AES spectrometer Agilent 4100
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