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Bartira Rossi-Bergmann

  • Review Article
    Serine Proteases and Vaccines against Leishmaniasis: A Dual Role
    Author(s): Suzana Passos Chaves, Daniel Claudio Oliveira Gomes, Salvatore Giovanni De-Simone, Bartira Rossi-Bergmann and Herbert Leonel de Matos Guedes Suzana Passos Chaves, Daniel Claudio Oliveira Gomes, Salvatore Giovanni De-Simone, Bartira Rossi-Bergmann and Herbert Leonel de Matos Guedes

    Serine proteases are involved in several biochemical processes that are essential for the biology of pathogens, including Leishmania sp. Considering their importance, an interest in serine proteases for vaccine development against leishmaniasis has been raised. As targets, these enzymes have demonstrated a dual role in a vaccine against leishmaniasis, both protective and a counter-protective, depending on the conditions that they are evaluated. In this work, serine proteases or inhibitors of them that have been used as components of vaccines to Leishmania sp. are presented, aiming to disseminate the knowledge gained about these proteases and their potential in potential vaccine against leishmaniasis. .. View More»
    DOI: 10.4172/2157-7560.1000264

    Abstract PDF