Arisa NgoziU

Arisa NgoziU


  • Research Article
    Effect of Enrichment of Trifoliate Yam Flour with Pumpkin Seeds Flour on the Pasting Characteristics and the Acceptability of its Product
    Author(s): Adelekan Aminat O, Arisa NgoziU, Alamu Adediran and Ogunseye Funmbi RachealAdelekan Aminat O, Arisa NgoziU, Alamu Adediran and Ogunseye Funmbi Racheal

    Trifoliate yam (Dioscorea dumentorum) is an underutilized yam species which is highly nutritious, but cannot be stored for a long period like other yams because it hardens a few days to harvest. This makes it unavailable all year round. There is therefore the need for processing of the yam to stable flour. Trifoliate yam flour was produced and enriched with pumpkin (Telfaria occidentalis) seed flour at three substitution levels (10%, 15% and 20%) and processed into chin-chin, this product was compared with the chin-chin made from Irish potato (Solanumtuberosum) flour. The flour was analysed for physico-chemical, functional and pasting properties. The product made from the flour (chin-chin) was tested for proximate composition and sensory evaluation to determine its acceptability. Results showed that enrichment of trifoliate yam flour with pumpkin seed flour increased the pH of the flo.. View More»
    DOI: 10.4172/2157-7110.1000283

    Abstract PDF