Ardo BU

Ardo BU


  • Research Article
    A Novel Approach for Determining Permeability in Porous Media
    Author(s): Aminu MD1* and Ardo BU2Aminu MD1* and Ardo BU2

    Permeability can be grouped into three different types; absolute permeability, relative permeability, and effective permeability. Rocks have different permeability properties; some rocks permit the flow of fluids through its pores effectively, others only do so nominally. The permeability of rocks equally relates to the rock’s capacity to allow the flow of petroleum, water and gas through it. Unlike porosity, which is a function of the volume of voids over the total volume of rock fabric (usually expressed in percentage), permeability concentrates only in the simplicity that petroleum encounters as it flows between interconnected rock pores. In real life scenarios however, because of the multiphase flow (that is because not only one fluid would flow between the interconnected rock pores), different types of permeability can be encountered such as abs.. View More»
    DOI: 10.4172/2157-7463.1000226

    Abstract PDF