Alhossain Khalafallah
The Launceston General Hospital,
Launceston Tasmania, 7250
Research Article
A Prospective Randomized Controlled Trial to Assess the Effect of Intravenous versus Oral Iron Therapy in the Treatment of Preoperative Anaemia
Author(s): Alhossain Khafalafallah, Abdul Majeed Al-Barzan, Johan Chan, Mei Fen Sung, Gerald Bates, Kiran Ahuja, John Batten and Bernie EinoderAlhossain Khafalafallah, Abdul Majeed Al-Barzan, Johan Chan, Mei Fen Sung, Gerald Bates, Kiran Ahuja, John Batten and Bernie Einoder
Background: Improving preoperative anaemia is associated with a better surgical outcome. There is lack of data regarding treatment of preoperative anaemia with intravenous versus oral iron. Objective: Assessment of efficacy of oral iron sulphate versus a single intravenous iron polymaltose and subsequent effect on perceived quality of life in both treatment groups. Patients and methods: We conducted a prospective randomised controlled trial with iron therapy for the treatment of Iron Deficiency Anaemia (IDA) patients who were undergoing elective joint arthroplasty. At a single institution, we recruited 44 patients who were randomized to a single intravenous iron polymaltose infusion (16/22) versus oral daily iron sulphate (17/22). Median age was 68 years (range, 45-91) with a male to female ratio of 14:19. Results: After iron therapy, the immediate mean p.. View More»