A-La Park
Personal Social Services Research Unit, LSE Health and Social Care, London School of Economics and Political Science,
Houghton Street, London
United Kingdom
Short Communication
Do Intergenerational Activities do any Good for Older Adults’ Well-Being? A Brief Review
Author(s): A-La Park
A-La Park
Introduction: With the rapid growth in the oldest old segment of the population across the world, public policy interests tend to be more directed to quality of life than quantity of life for those of advanced age. Although there is a growing body of literature on the effects of psychosocial interventions for older adults, interventions from a crossgenerational viewpoint are under-researched. This article briefly reviews the impacts on the well-being of community dwelling older people of participation in non-kin related intergenerational activities. Method: A literature review was conducted to assess current research regarding intergenerational activities and outcomes among older adults. The search included English-language publications that reported original data from January 1986 to mid-2014. Studies were published in a peer-reviewed journal and without country restriction. Suppleme.. View More»