Acanfora D
Maugeri Scientific Clinical Institutes, SpA SB, Institute of Care and Scientific Research, Rehabilitation Institute of Telese Terme,
Via Bagni Vecchi 1, 82037 Telese Terme (BN)
Review Article
Direct Oral Anticoagulants, Bleeding Risk in Patients with Atrial Fibrillation, CHADS2 ≥ 3 or HAS-BLED ≥ 3
Author(s): Acanfora D, Casucci G, Ciccone MC, Scicchitano P, Montefusco G, Lanzillo A, Acanfora C, Lanzillo B
Acanfora D, Casucci G, Ciccone MC, Scicchitano P, Montefusco G, Lanzillo A, Acanfora C, Lanzillo B
To evaluated the safety of direct oral anticoagulants as compared to warfarin in a subgroup of patients with atrial fibrillation (AF) who should undergo antithrombotic therapy such as patients with CHADS2 score ≥ 3. We evaluated the incidence of major bleeding in patients with AF and CHADS2 score ≥ 3 in the RE-LY, ROCKET-AF, ARISTOTLE, and ENGAGE studies. Also we evaluated the incidence of major bleeding in patients at higher hemorrhagic risk (HAS-BLED ≥ 3). Data was derived from eleven studies whose results came from the pivotal trials. Our aim was to propose a critical debate on the collected data.
There were some striking differences between the 4 considered studies: a high percentage of bleeding in the subpopulation at high risk of stroke or systemic embolism or at high risk of bleeding. Some studies reported a higher frequency of bleeding in the warfarin arm. T.. View More»