Abhipray Gahlowt
Research Article
A Non Invasive Technique to Assess Mucosal Immunity in Healthy Population by Measuring Immunoglobulin Receptor Expression on Viable Colonocytes
Author(s): Bamola VD, Sharma N, Abhipray Gahlowt, Panigrahi P and Chaudhry R
Bamola VD, Sharma N, Abhipray Gahlowt, Panigrahi P and Chaudhry R
Human gut plays a vital role in the regulation of immune function, mucosal defense and homeostasis. Gut epithelial cells function as an immune cell and express receptors for microbial-associated molecular patterns. The gut epithelium undergoes constant and rapid renewal and some of these cells are exfoliated into the fecal stream. These cells are an important source of macromolecules, which provides a patho-physiological profile of the colonic epithelium. Most of the methods to harvest colonic epithelial cells are highly invasive and involve endoscopy and biopsy. Researchers suggest that studies of gastrointestinal pathophysiology are not feasible by biopsies in neonates and paediatric population. Therefore, isolation of theses exfoliated viable colonocytes from human stool is a noninvasive as well as a highly convenient approach that can be used for diagnostic and research purposes. .. View More»