Abhijit Mitra
35 B.C. Road, Kolkata 700019
Research Article
Time Series Observation on Phytoplankton Dynamics in the Coastal Waters of the World Heritage Site of Indian Sundarban Mangrove Forest, NE Coast of Bay of Bengal
Author(s): Abhijit Mitra and Kakoli BanerjeeAbhijit Mitra and Kakoli Banerjee
Sea levels on the Indian sub-continent are increasing at the rate of about 2.5 mm/year; the rate of increment is greater in the eastern coast, with an estimated sea level rise of about 3.14 mm/year. This suggests that mean annual sea levels in the Indian sub-continent will be some 15 cm higher in 2060 than what it was during 2000. The Indian Sundarbans in northeast coast of the country, at the apex of the Bay of Bengal is an extremely dynamic deltaic lobe sustaining a wide spectrum of mangrove flora and fauna. It is estimated that sea level in this deltaic lobe has increased by about 15 cm since the 1950s and this has been correlated with changes in the pattern and rates of erosion and accretion in the islands of the Indian Sundarbans. Such geo-physical phenomena may not only pose serious impact on the adjacent aquatic system by way of increasing turbidity, nutrient budget, salinity, .. View More»