Volume 5, Issue 6 (2016)

Research Article

Exposure to Reactive Oxygen Species and Piperacillin Leads to Multidrug Resistance in Pseudomonas aeruginosa PAO1

  • Sachiko Hayakawa, Emiko Furukawa, Masato Kawamura, Toshiaki Kikuchi, Taizou Hirano, Akira Watanabe and Shigeru Fujimura

Case Report

An Unusual Finding of Buschke-Lowenstein Tumor Associated with 6, 39 and 53 HPV Genotypes in a Young Immunocompetent Female

  • Peronace C, Galati L, Barreca GS, Lamberti AG, Curcio B, Morelli M, Conforti F, Matera G, Liberto MC, Zullo F and Focà A

Research Article

Detection of Carbepenem Resistance Genes among Selected Gram Negative Bacteria Isolated from Patients in -Khartoum State, Sudan

  • Salma B Satir, Amera I Elkhalifa, Musa A Ali, Abdel Rahim M El Hussein, Isam M Elkhidir and Khalid A Enan

Research Article

Comparative Evaluation of Molecular Detection Performance of Pseudomonas aeruginosa based on Phylogenetic Markers 16S RNAr, recA, rpoB and ITS1

  • Comoé Koffi Donatien Benie, Adjéhi Dadié, David Coulibaly N’Golo, Nathalie Guessennd, Solange AKA, Koffi Marcellin DJE and Mireille Dosso