
Dr. Ping Wan

Dr. Ping Wan
Professor, College of Plant Science and Technology
Beijing University of Agriculture, China


Dr. Ping Wan,PhD is currently working as Professor in College of Plant Science and Technology , Beijing University of Agriculture , China and she is also the Scientific Committee Member of International Legume Scoiety, Assistant editor of Legume Perspectives.

Research Interest

Functional genomics of Adzuki bean (Vigna angularis) and comparative genomics of legumes, Molecular breeding of adzuki bean and grain legumes.

Janusz Prusinski

Janusz Prusinski
Professor, Faculty of Agriculture
University of Science and Technology, Poland


Janusz Prusinski (1953) is a professor of agronomy at the University of Science and Technology in Bydgoszcz (Poland). He has published more than 100 research papers in Polish, European and USA journals. He teaches agronomy, seed production and biological progress in agriculture.

Research Interest

Most papers concern legumes, especially lupins, faba bean and peas (winter/autumn cultivars), lately also non-GMO soybean. The focus of the research is to provide an understanding of the response of new cultivars to different and mostly challenging agricultural and climatic conditions and their impact on plant development and crop yield.

Ioannis E. Papadakis

Ioannis E. Papadakis
Assistant Professor, Faculty of Crop Science
Agricultural University of Athens, Greece


Dr Ioannis E. Papadakis has received his PhD in Pomology from Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (Greece) in 2004. Currently, he is working as Assistant Professor in Agricultural University of Athens (Greece). He has successfully completed his Administrative responsibilities as Lecturer of Pomology at Agricultural University of Athens from 2010 until 2015. He is serving as an editorial member of several reputed journals like American Journal of Agricultural and Biological Sciences (Associate Editor), Open Access Journal of Agricultural Research, Journal of Agronomy and Agricultural Aspects, American Journal of Agricultural Research, and Modern Concepts & Developments in Agronomy (Associate Editor). He has authored more than 39 research articles published in peer-reviewed journals and more than 50 full research articles published in conference proceedings in English or Greek language. His papers have been cited more than 470 times. He is a member of International Society for Horticultural Science, Geotechnical Chamber of Greece, Greek Society for Horticultural Science, and Hellenic Scientific Society for Genetics and Plant Breeding. He has acted as a reviewer of more than 25 reputed journals like Environmental and Experimental Botany, Scientia Horticulturae, Annals of Applied Biology, Functional Plant Biology, HortScience, Experimental Agriculture, Photosynthetica, Ecological Indicators and Plant Biology. He has acted as a member of Organizing or Scientific/Technical Committees of two Greek Conferences as well as two international ones: 5th International Conference on Food and Agricultural Sciences (ICFAS 2017), 2nd World Congress & Expo on Biotechnology and Bioengineering.

Research Interest

His research interests are the following: (i) Plant nutrition and fertilization, (ii) Abiotic stresses (nutrient deficiencies and toxicities, drought, salinity, waterlogging, etc.), (iii) Sexual and asexual propagation of fruit tree species, (iv) Evaluation of fruit tree cultivars and rootstock, and (v) Effect of various cultural practices on tree yield and fruit quality.

Xin-Gen(Shane) Zhou

Xin-Gen(Shane) Zhou
Department of Plant Pathology, AgriLife Research and Extension Center
Texas A & M University System, USA


Dr. Xin-Gen(Shane) Zhou is Assistant Professor and Research Plant Pathologist in Texas A & M University, USA.

Research Interest

Research interests are in the epidemiology and management of rice diseases. Research activities center on sheath blight, bacterial panicle blight, narrow brown leaf spot, blast, the seedling disease complex and other diseases important in Texas and other southern states. Studies are conducted to better understand disease incidence and severity in response to changes in population genetics of pathogens, rice varieties, environmental conditions, cultural practices, and fungicide use. Current research projects include evaluating and identifying disease resistance, exploiting beneficial microorganisms and cover crops for biocontrol of diseases, and evaluating the impacts of fungicides on disease epidemics and grain yield and quality for main and ratoon (second) crops. The ultimate goal of my basic and applied research program is to develop effective disease management tools and to provide economically and environmentally sound disease management recommendations for rice production.

Khaja Mohteshamuddin

Khaja Mohteshamuddin
College of Food & Agriculture
United Arab Emirates University, United Arab Emirates


Dr Khaja Mohteshamuddin is presently working as Faculty in Department of Veterinary Medicine,CFA,UAEU. He obtained his BVSc & AH, MVSc degrees from Veterinary College, Karnataka Veterinary Animal & Fisheries Sciences University,INDIA, MBA degree in Human Resource Management from Periyar University, Salem. He was engaged in serving the farming and livestock community as Veterinary Officer in India for 3 years.He worked as Assistant Professor at Karnataka Veterinary University, India,for 3 years.He published 3 text books in the field of animal reproduction,several scientific & popular articles in journals of repute,attended scientific workshops and training programs in animal reproduction and veterinary science,reviewer & editorial board member for journals,served as an external examiner to reputed veterinary universities like Chennai & was educational tour leader for students of vet program. Besides this, he was a member of the prestigious "Group study exchange" programme to USA, Ohio,sent as a "Goodwill Ambassador of India", representing the nation. He is an active member of Rotary International and held various important positions in Rotary viz., club secretary, club president & District youth protection officer. Owing to his contribution to society, he had got his biography & name listed in prestigious Marquis worlds list of who’s who 2016. Presently he is involved in research projects on disease diagnosis and investigations in UAE and pursuing his masters in advanced clinical practice from Royal College of Veterinary Studies, University of Edinburgh, UK as part of career advancement.

Research Interest

Veterinary Medicine, Veterinary Gynecology & Obstetrics.

AK. Srivastava

AK. Srivastava, p.h.d
Principal Scientist, National Research Centre for Citrus


Dr. A.K. Srivastava, having received his M.Sc.(Ag) and Ph.D in Soil Science from Banaras Hindu University, in 1984 to 1988, respectively, is currently perched as Principal Scientist (Soil Science) at National Research Centre for Citrus, Nagpur (Indian Council of Agricultural Research, New Delhi).

Research Interest

His research intrest mainly include citrus nutrition like nutrient constraints analysis of citrus orchards using DRIS-based soil-plant nutrient diagnostics, orchard efficiency-based site specific nutrient management exploiting spatial variability in soil fertility, citrus rhizosphere specific microbial consortium and soil carbon loading, INM module, fertigation scheduling etc.

Nagib Nassar

Nagib Nassar
Department of Genetics and Morphology
University of Brasilia, Brazil


Nagib Nassar (68) Born in Egypt in 1938, graduated in Agronomy with Cairo University, 1958 , and, Ph. D., Genetics with the University of Alexandria, 1972. He teached tropical crops with the Institute of African studies & research, Cairo university untill 1974. In the same year came to Brasil by the invitation of the Brazilian ministry of Foreign Relations where he began his work on conservation and manipulation of cassava genetic resources up to this date, intially with the support of IDRC(1975-1976), and later with the help of The Brazilian council CNPq.

Research Interest

Plant breeding.