Figure 1 shows a distribution of AFBs within the central US taken to be ‘at risk’ or ‘most at risk’ from tornado damage, with inset information and a picture pertinent to devastation occurring at tornado-struck Tinker AFB. While recent attention has been given to the need for accurate assessment of cost estimations associated with extreme weather events [19], comparable damage to that indicated in Figure 1 occurred on April 26, 1991 at nearby McConnell AFB and spread through the surrounding area to produce 17 deaths and a determination of ~$162M in damage to infrastructure. A storm at Oklahoma/Kansas on May 3, 1999, produced an estimation of ~$1B in damage. The AAAS meeting synopsis began with the statement: “If this nation had a foreign power do to us in one year what a devastating tornado can do to us in one day, we would use every means possible to fight it.” [15] (Figure 1).
Figure 1: Distribution of US AFBs within the US particularly susceptible to severe weather damage.