Rio Branco do Ivai
It has an area of 386 km² representing 0.1935% of the state, 0.0684% of the region and 0.0045% of the entire Brazilian territory. It is located at latitude 24°19'26"south and a longitude 51°18'46" west, being at an altitude of 650 m. Its estimated population in 2000 was 3,758 inhabitants.
Rosário do Ivaí
The municipality is characterized by a fairly rugged relief, in which approximately 50% of the area of the Municipality is under the phases of the strong undulating and mountainous relief, 29% is under soft undulating relief and 21% under undulating relief.
It has an area of 371,248 km² representing 0.1863% of the state, 0.0659% of the region and 0.0044% of the entire Brazilian territory. It is located at latitude 24°16'40"south and at a longitude 51°16'30" west, being at an altitude of 675 m. Climate subtropical Cfa.