
Utilization of Household Waste as an Alternative Energy Source in Makassar Indonesia

Sabran F Harun, Saharuddin Ronge Sokku

Utilization of waste into alternative energy is still very minimal, in Indonesia it is estimated that only around 1600 MW or about 3.25% of the potential that exists. Several small-scale biogas installations already exist. However, the installation is still limited to sources originating from oil palm waste and livestock manure, while household waste is not optimally managed. The volume of waste in Indonesia ranges from 64 million tons per year. Until the year 2020, the volume of urban waste is expected to increase fivefold. Meanwhile, starting from the process of planting, production, shipping to final consumption, more than 40% of food becomes garbage. This is a big problem if it is not handled properly, even though garbage holds a large energy potential.

Published Date: 2021-02-25; Received Date: 2021-02-04