Reethu Thomas, Angela Alin Binoy, Anena Amrithraj E, Arya S. Raj, Aadil Ahmed Irshath and Anand Prem Rajan*
This paper aims to assess how hospital wastewater can be utilized to produce bioenergy in order to create a circular bioeconomy. The real potential of wastewater is often underestimated and not realized. Wastewater, especially hospital wastewater consists of many chemicals, metabolites, enzymes etc., which can be purified and utilized in industries. Moreover, wastewater acts as a precious resource which can be employed in various bioprocess and fermentation industries. Clean energy and oxygen can be generated from wastewater using MFCs. The basic principle of MFCs is to use the metabolic processes of microorganisms to convert organic matter in the wastewater into electrical energy. In addition, biogas and manure can be obtained using anaerobic digestion. Anaerobic digestion is a biological process in which microorganisms break down organic matter in the absence of oxygen, producing biogas as a byproduct. The integration of these processes into the wastewater treatment plant leads to the production of clean water while simultaneously producing the additional products, which contributes to sustainable development. The core idea behind the project is to enhance our social cause by generating more employment opportunities, prevention of waterborne diseases, sustainable management of resources and utilizing our profits to do the same.
Published Date: 2023-06-21; Received Date: 2023-04-14