
The Quality of Life - An Indicator of Fair Treatment of Allergic Rhinitis

Genel Sur, Floca Emanuela, Valer Donca and Talu (Nicoara) Simona

The current concept of quality of life reported to health status is described by patients in relation to personal expectations. These expectations vary over time and are influenced by the duration and severity of disease, the limitations of any kind, and family support. Quality of life is measured using individual questionnaires. These questionnaires are multidimensional and cover multiple aspects such as physical condition, emotional, social and cognitive status. Other aspects of the questionnaire refer to the individual's status in society and the perception of sickness.

The purpose of this study was to estimate the quality of life of patients with allergic rhinitis and to establish the best treatment. To assess quality of life we used five symptoms score and visual analog scale.

We have studied 92 cases with allergic rhinitis. Patients included in the study were between 6 and 18 years. Patients completed questionnaires that reflect quality of their life. Depending on the severity of symptoms patients were divided into two groups: patients with mild persistent allergic rhinitis (22%) and patients with moderate-severe persistent allergic rhinitis (78%).