
The Management of Peripheral Painful Traumatic Trigeminal Neuropathy Secondary to Implant Placement Using Topical Medication

Abrar Sabeh*

Introduction: Peripheral painful traumatic trigeminal neuropathy PPTTN is a disabling condition following peripheral nerve trauma (extraction, bone graft, implant placement etc.). Implant neuropathy occurs duo to nerve violation of any of the branches of the 5th cranial nerve during dental implant placement. This article presents an unusual extraoral clinical presentation of this relatively rare condition (dermatomal distribution of a traumatized long buccal nerve) and a unique way to achieve treatment through topical medication.

Literature review: A 40-year-old male presented with “occasional burning pain on his left cheek” following a traumatic surgical extraction followed by bone graft and implant placement, 4 months prior to the orofacial pain clinic visit.

Conclusion: Early treatment following nerve injury is crucial and in this case topical medication alone was successful as a treatment choice for implant neuropathy.

Published Date: 2024-08-29; Received Date: 2020-09-15