
The Lacking Connectivity between Land and Sea in the Coastal Management of Italian Seaboard

Nicola Cantasano* and Federico Boccalaro

Seaboard areas are transitional zones between the landward and seaward sides of coastal regions, actually affected by a lot of human activities and by an increasing demographic pressure. In this critical context, it is necessary an integrated approach to coastal management requiring a close and tight relationship on both sides of coastal boundary. In Italy, there is not, until now, a global marine policy able to realize national and/or regional programs for the sustainable development of coastal regions. In particular, at the borders of Italian coastline, there is no connectivity between land and sea in coastal management. To overcome this issue, scientific advisors, administrative roles and policy makers must be involved in effective efforts to realize a transboundary coastal legacy at both sides of Italian coastline. This kind of connectivity must be realized and carried out in natural science, in social and economic constraints and in a sound marine/continental governance, strictly connected in the same landscape unit. To highlight this comprehensive approach it is reported a typical case study in the island of Sardinia, so to summarize different kind of connectivity in a coastal region. In conclusion, it is advisable a global approach to transboundary coastal areas merging all the biological, ecological, social and economic features for the economic growth of local people and, more generally, for human wellbeing.

Published Date: 2023-12-08; Received Date: 2023-11-01