Naureen Waseem and Sabah Rehman
(i) Objective: This study was conducted to analyze the effect of lead acetate on the serum estrogen and progesterone levels in adult mice and the role of garlic extract. (ii) Study Design: Laboratory based Randomized Control Trial. (iii) Place and duration of study: Anatomy Department, Army Medical College, Rawalpindi in collaboration with National Institute of health from April-June 2013. (iv) Material and Methods: In this study 30 female BALBc mice were selected and randomly divided into three groups.10 animals were placed in each group. Group A being the control received only the laboratory diet prepared at NIH. Group B was given lead acetate at a dose of 30 mg/kg/day. Group C was given lead acetate 30 mg/kg/day and garlic extract 500 mg/kg/day through oral gavage tube for 60 days. The mice were sacrificed and dissected at the end of 60 days. Using intracardiac route 5ml blood was taken from each animal for hormonal assay. (v) Results: Hormone assay of the serum in the experimental group B showed decrease in serum estrogen and progesterone levels as compared to the group A and there was minor decrease in the hormonal levels in group C. (vi) Conclusion: Lead acetate causes decrease in the serum estrogen and progesterone levels in adult female mice and garlic extract prevents this effect