
Study on treatment performance of low cos membrane based septic tank at various fluxes

Bui Xuan Thanh,Nguyen Phuoc Dan

The objective of this study was to evaluate the performance and fouling behavior of membrane based septic tank (MBST).Woven Fiber Microfiltration (WFMF) introduced in the chamber of a septic tank as a submerged membrane for domestic wastewater treatment. Concentrations of black water stored in the third chamber were 125 ± 15 mg/L COD, 124 ± 28 mg/L SS and 59 ± 9 mg/L TKN. Results showed that COD removal was 54-78 % of which effluent achieved less than 50 mg/L. In addition, the withdrawal was mostly non-performed suspended solids. TMP level increased gradually, indicated low membrane fouling rate (dTMP/dt) of 0.4-1.0 kPa/day at flux as low as 2.5 LMH. While at the flux greater than 3.4 LMH the fouling rate increased rapidly with the fouling rate of 13 kPa/day