
Study on Effect of Tree Diameter, Height and Acid Treatment on Trace Elements and Yield of Gum Extracted From Acacia Nilotica (Babul)

Jani BL, Devanand Karabhai Gojiya and Vyas DM

The tapping and extraction of gum was carried out at Khadiya Camp Site, DungarDakshin Range, Forest Department, Junagadh with the cooperation of Forest Department, Junagadh. The trees of desired diameter (<10 cm, 10-20 cm, >20 cm) have been selected on which an incision was made at predefined tapping (<40 cm, 40 to 80 cm, >80 cm ) height as per treatment by an axe. The cut was of about 40 cm in width and treated with different concentration of H2SO4 (0, 40, 60%) to find out effect on yield and trace elements. The gum accumulated in width of cut was collected after 25 days once oozing started. The purified gum was analyzed for trace elements like copper, ferrous, manganese and zinc. From the study it was concluded that the maximum gum yield and trace elements was found from the Acacia tree at the bark diameter should be more than 20 cm and tapping height either more than 80 cm or less than 40cm from ground level. It was also found that H2SO4 treatments gave significant effect on gum yield and trace elements