
Study of acute toxicity of Metasystox on the freshwater fish, Nemacheilus botia, from Kedrai dam in Maharashtra, India

Nikam SM, Shejule KB, Patil RB

Acute toxicity of organophosphate pesticide Metasystox has been studied on freshwater fish Nemacheilus botia. The fishes have been used for many years to determine the pollution status of water. Static bioassays were performed on freshwater fish, N. botia to evaluate the median lethal concentrations of Metasystox (Oxydemeton-methyl) for 24, 48, 72 and 96 hrs. The LC50 values were 10.3, 9.131, 7.884, and 7.018 ppm after 24, 48, 72 and 96 hours respectively. The results show that the LC50 values decreased with increase in exposure period.