
Some Risk Factors for Hypertension of Khmer People Aged From 25 to 64 Years in Tra Vinh Province, Viet Nam

Tap Nguyen-Van, Binh Nguyen-Thanh and Huong Tran Van

A cross-sectional study was conducted on 1,200 Khmer people aged 25-64 years living in Tra Vinh province to propotion of hypertension some related factors. 30 communes (clusters) were selected by probability proportional to size (PPS) method, evaluating their risk factors of coronary artery disease (CAD) in the next 10 years using Framingham scale in face-to-face interviews. Results showed that propotion of hypertension was 33.5%, inside, having 37.3% people don’t know that they are getting hypertension disease. About some risk factors: 83.6% of participants had diet with less fat, 26.2% had adequate fruit and vegetable consumption, 10.6% had less-salt diet, 85.2% were non-alcohol abuse, 62.5% were non-smokers and 79.3% had moderate physical activity. About coronary artery disease: 79.7% of respondents have low risk, 16.3% with moderate risk and 4.0% with high risk of CAD in the next 10 years according to Framingham scale. The risk increases proportionally to the age and higher among men than women.