
Social and Medical Problems of the Elderly

Diana Paskaleva *,Stoilka Tufkova

Worldwide, the relative and absolute number of adults and older people is growing rapidly, and the problems of old age and aging is becoming global. Old age is a natural and inevitable process occurring final age, and aging population reflects the increasing proportion of older and elderly people in a corresponding decrease in the proportion of young people. This requires, society to address the medical and social needs of an aging population. In the foreground, increasingly exposed are the problems of the elderly people related to their provision and the need for competent health care. With the changes in the population structure and shaping of our country to the group of "aging countries" with increasing age population, the need for more knowledge of medical specialists on the issues of age and characteristics of the disease in adults and elderly. The preparation of health professionals should be carried out under special training programs, including mandatory training in geriatrics, gerontology, gerontopsychology.