COVID 19 has turned our world upside down and dramatically changed our lifestyle, behavior and consumption. The pandemic struck every continent on our globe and put medical teams in an unprecedented situation one they have never witnessed during their career paths and work experience. These medical teams led by nurses and doctors, have faced complex situations, extreme medical conditions and treatment challenges with limited means. Many have been exposed to the risk of contamination or have been victims of the virus themselves.
We’ve seen doctors facing impossible decisions and nurses watching their patients fear and agony, often dying with no human face present nor having the comforting touch of a family member by their beds as they took their last breaths. Obviously, life will not be the same as we knew it. With the present and future health and economy challenges that we are all facing, innovation and time-to-market are key factors. Today’s reality is giving an extra push to recent years’ trends, such as affordable remote monitoring and out-of-hospital care.
Published Date: 2024-08-29; Received Date: 2020-07-20