
Sarcopenia in Spondyloarthritis

Abdellah El Maghraoui*, AV. Mohamed V, Rue Bait Lahm and B. Imm

Sarcopenia, the age-related loss of skeletal muscle mass and function, has increasingly been recognized as a significant health issue in various rheumatic diseases. However, sarcopenia is commonly overlooked and undertreated in mainstream practice in patients with spondyloarthritis (SpA), likely due to the complexity of determining what variables to measure, how to measure them, what cut-off points best guide diagnosis and treatment, and how to best evaluate effects of therapeutic interventions. This review aims to explore the current understanding of sarcopenia in SpA focusing on its prevalence, pathogenesis, and clinical implications. We also discuss potential strategies for diagnosis, prevention, and management of sarcopenia in SpA patients.

Published Date: 2023-04-28; Received Date: 2023-04-03