
Rhinoscleroma with Malignancy- A Case Report and Review of Literature

Adekanye AG, Omotoso AJ, Emanghe UE, Umana AN, Offiong ME, Mgbe RB, Akintomide AO, Akpan U

Rhinoscleroma (scrofulous lupus, scleroma) is a rare, chronic, specific granulomatous disease of the nose and upper respiratory tract. It occurs most frequently in young female adults between the ages of 10-35 years in low socioeconomic class in developing countries. The course is usually chronic, relapse can occur and it is nonneoplastic. Inflammatory compressive destruction of bone and soft tissue may occur and thus could lead the clinician and radiologist to suspect malignancy. We report a 25-year-old woman who developed undifferentiated tumor three months after initial diagnosis of RS. She was the first case of RS with malignancy in our institution.