Roopadevi & M. M. JAMADAR
Gr een gram [ Vigna radiata (L.) Wilczek] is an important pulse crop. It suffers from many diseases of which anthracnose due to Colletotrichum truncatum (Schw.) Andrus and Moore has become one of the most serious diseases in recent years. Temperature has a pro found effect on both vegetative and reproductive activity of the fungi. Significantly maximum growth of the fungus (220.25 mg) was recorded at 30 0 C, followed by 25 0 C (210.86 mg). Relative humidity at 95 per cent (212.55 mg) supported significantly the high est mycelial growth and followed by 85 per cent relative humidity (192.23 mg) was found to be the next. Every organism has minimum, maximum and optimum pH for the growth. Significantly the highest mycelial growth (215.36 mg) was recorded at pH 6.5 Followed by pH 6.0 (187.08 mg) and the least mycelial growth was obtained at pH 4.0 (96.27 mg). Thus it was evident that the pH range of 6.0 to 7.5 was the most optimum for the fungal growth.
Published Date: 2014-11-05;