Mukundane Ronald
As dentistry move into the twenty-first century the attention to ethics would have to be even greater. Nowadays ethical standards in modern dentistry are in a tempo with rapid advance.Learning to handle practical ethics issues and developing one’s professional identity are essential steps in becoming a good dentist
The core issues in dental ethics are the ethics of the dentist patient relationship, patient’s confidentiality and the need to obtain informed consent. As members of a healing profession, dental surgeons are expected not only just to obey the law of the land, but also abide by the ethical principles in their professional and personal life.
Ethics are moral principles or rules of conduct expected in the professional and personal conduct of someone practicing a profession. To assist dental surgeons in ethical matters, the General Dental Council (GDC) issues guidance books. ( Healthcare malpractice can be challenged under two main categories in the courts of law that are civil and criminal depending on the nature of the offence.
Published Date: 2020-10-28; Received Date: 2020-10-16