Dinesh Neupane. Rupesh K. Yadav, Saroj K. Shah, Bharat K. Mandal, Mandadapu Gopi, Kshatri Jyothi, Chintalapudi Megha Syam & Thadepalli Venu Gopala Rao
The significant studies of the texture by human hands of polyethylene carry bags [different types that are used for the experimentation are yellow paper plastic (polyethylene) bag sheet, pure transparent polythene carry bag sheet, yellow polythene carry bag sheet, and a piece of a hard plastic coffee cup] with and without incubation inside the crown of the soil part has been compared. The comparisons were tabulated with a conclusion that trivial fraction levels of degradation of polyethylene carry covers. The results are represented in a series so as to which variety resolve degrade greater (++++) percentage or lesser (+) percentage levels with an index parameter of ‘texture’ of feeling smooth or rough.
Published Date: 2017-01-09;