Dereje Mulu1 & C. Subramanian
The present study was conducted on population estimation of African white backed vultures from June, 2011 to January, 2012. The study period includes rainy (June to September) and post rainy (October to January) seasons. Three one kilometer transects were laid in three different sites viz., Debrebrehan Selassea, Bath of Fasiladas and Semiw Michael and surveys were made twice a month. A total of 862 individuals of African white backed vultures were recorded from all the three sites in both seasons. The overall density of vultures differs in different sites. The maximum density was recorded from site III and the minimum density was recorded from site I. The seasonal density varies among the sites, highest density was recorded for both the seasons from Site III followed by Site II and the lowest was recorded from Site I for both the seasons.
Published Date: 2013-05-17;