
Novel Trends in System Approach to Biotechnology-based Sustainable Development and Bio-economy


Long haul transdisciplinary exploration and critical thinking preparing support combination of current ecological and clinical biotechnology, human nature, ecotoxicology, ecoengineering, distant detecting, engineering and so on for advancement maintainable administration of the common assets and advancement natural wellbeing and bioeconomy-driven green labour market everywhere on the world. Suggestion of framework way to deal with Common Action of Experts and Knowledge-based Sustainable Society (counting e-separation instruction and Life Long Learning) for Biotechnology driven better Quality of Life. Comprehensive methodology ought to coordinate wide scale utilization of present day biotechnology for as ahead of schedule as conceivable identification of synergistic impacts of physical, substance and organic danger factors ( in the characteristic and indoor climate and human natural way of life) with more productive essential counteraction. For avoidance of serious inherent contortions of sickness of human advancement Minamata just as expanding pace of disease/leukemia occurrence are suggested biotechnologies presented by the first of creators like assessment of the synergistic impacts of anthropogenic factors on embryological improvement, mutagenesis and carcinogenesis, including cell observing, free-extremist pathology-arranged postpone iridescence and other biophysical devices in linkage with checking of individual work and affectability, enhanced by wholesome and ecological wellbeing zeroed in on better counteraction of unexpected passing because of natural defilement. Presented by JWD laser biotechnology is suggested for more effective biodegradation of cancerogenic oil toxins PAH, bioremediation poisonous metals, recovery of defiled and semidesert zones, upgrade of biomass creation by energy ranches, greeining urban communities, and for better variation of biotreatment and photodisinfection of wastewater and food creation to environmental change. For improvement choice zones inclined for laser biotechnology presentation helpful is application new strategies for distant detecting for example for identification developed or backwoods zones of high phytotoxic impacts followed by lessening of CO2 absorption and biomass creation by multispectral examine for example part of Absorbed Photosynthetically.

Published Date: 2020-11-26; Received Date: 2020-11-13