
Multiple Perspectives of the Discharge Process: Transitioning from a Long-Term Care Facility to Home

Enjoli Pyburn and Heather Javaherian-Dysinger

Objective: The purpose of this qualitative study was to explore the experiences and discharge process of residents, family members, and staff when older adults transitioned from a skilled nursing facility back to their homes.
Methods: Participants were recruited using purposeful sampling in person and via flyers. The residents were three older adults between the ages of 65 and 95, two family members, and four staff involved in the discharge process: the Social Services Designee, the Director of Rehabilitation, the Director of Nursing, and the facility Administrator. Staff and family members were interviewed one time while the older adults completed three interviews.
Results: The interviews were transcribed verbatim and analyzed revealing three themes to describe the complexity and importance of communication among all the health professionals and family members involved in the process: The Discharge Experience, Communication, and Challenges.