
Moderating Influence of Teacher Efficacy on Individual and Organisational Determinants of Job Satisfaction among Primary School Teachers in Coast Province, Kenya

Habil Otanga and Rehema Yaki

This study explored the extent to which demographic, policy, student and community-related factors influence teachers' job satisfaction and the extent to which teacher efficacy moderates the relationship. The study was conducted among a sample of 123 primary school teachers in Mombasa. A researcher-developed self-report questionnaire was administered. Descriptive statistics in the form of percentages, means and frequencies were used for analysis and presentation. In addition T-test and multiple regression analysis was used to predict relationships between variables. Demographic variables only influenced job satisfaction when interacting with teacher efficacy. Policy, student and community-related factors were strong predictors of teacher job satisfaction. It was recommended that deliberate measures be put in place to improve teacher efficacy, improvements in policies for teachers and positive community involvement in their children's education.