
Measuring Sustainability of Turkish Coastal Regions based on Quality Coast Indicators by Local Experts Evaluation

Dr. Tuncay Kuleli

This paper outlines an indicator based framework to support progress in sustainability for coastal location of Bodrum region, Turkey. This approach was developed by using local expert’s evaluations of Quality Coast criteria/indicators. Quality Coast has been developed for coastal communities, cities, towns and islands, at the level of municipalities, provinces and regions. In this study, face-to-face survey method was used. The questionnaire is a standard information collection form applied to local experts or organizations in coastal regions for measurement and evaluation sustainability. As a result of analysis the average sustainability score was calculated which is equal to 29.95 points and 42%. The Public-average sustainability score has 30.82 point with 44%. The Private-average sustainability score has 27.76 point with 40% and the NGO-average sustainability score has 33.52 point with 48%. According to Quality Coast’s local expert evaluation indicators used in this study. Bodrum’s sustainability score is 42, while Bodrum’s sustainability score is 28 according to the Quality Coast’s own assessment. This is because the data sources used for evaluation are different. Bodrum coastal zone showed the potential for the Quality Coast Local Expert indicator set to support sustainability in coastal locations. Strengthening the role of social, environmental and ecologic awareness of sustainable development throughout the provision of information via the Quality Coast programme is an important contribution to further sustainable development of the coastal zone.