
Management Strategies of Mangrove Degradation in Coastal Areas of Brebes Regency, Central Java, Indonesia

Suyono Faperi*, Supriharyono, Ign Boedi Hendrarto and Ocky Karna Radjasa

Issue on mangrove degradation and its impact viewed from ecological and anthropological aspects is constantly actual as it will reduce its vital function as a coastal protection from the danger of tsunami and abrasion, nutrient recycling, fisheries productivity biodiversity, dampening the rate of sea water intrusion and other coastal ecosystem crutches. This study aims to: determine the level of mangrove degradation; find out a model of mangrove area reduction dynamics due to the influence of ecological and anthropogenical factors including a model of perceptional correlation, to know community’s perceptions and participation on mangrove degradation; then to further discover more effective strategies in dealing with coastal mangrove degradation in Brebes Regency coastal areas.

In the research areas, three species of mangrove vegetation were discovered in proper number; they were Rhizophora mucronata, Rhizophora apiculata and Avicennia marina. Overall, Rhizophora mucronata had the highest density of 35.731 ind./ha. in Kaliwlingi Village, Sub District of Brebes. Mangrove areas in Brebes Regency generally decreased with the reduction rate of 68,46 ha./year. Ecological and anthropogenical factors had the cohesion of the dynamics of a vast reduction in mangrove Brebes coastal areas. The value of natural growth factor (99,60%), reforestation (97,40%), death (99,60%), logging (99,60%), and abrasion (99,60%). Most of the indicators of independent factors, perception and public participation factors showed a significant effect (valid) against the dependent factor (mangrove degradation) at 95% and 90% level of convidence, but the influence of ecological factors were more dominant than anthropogenical factor. The level of public perception had no effect on the level of participation.

The results showed that degradation of mangrove forests in Brebes Regency coastal areas were still allowed to be maintained and could be developed. The order of strategies to manage mangrove degradation in Brebes Regency coastal areas were: (1) Improving the protection of the mangrove areas from ocean waves/abrasion through anchoring/ more effective breakwater; (2) Increasing the empowerment of potential mangrove areas through productive activities that increase the added value for improving the welfare of local communities while preserving the mangrove; (3) Making the implementation of regulations and optimizing the role of relevant agencies, civil society organizations, and the participation of local communities in conserving mangrove areas and developing it; (4) Strengthening the institutional system of government and public institutions in the management of mangrove areas for short, medium and long term; and (5) Improving outreach activities/community related to the importance of mangroves for coastal resource conservation.