
Low-Intensity Light Therapy (1068 nm) Protects CAD Neuroblastoma Cells from β-Amyloid-Mediated Cell Death

Natalie A. Duggett and Paul L. Chazot

Using a simple in vitro amyloidopathy CAD neuronal model, infrared (IR) 1068 nm light treatment (5 x 3 minutes) was investigated as a novel neuroprotection strategy. Synthetic human β-amyloid(1-42) peptide was subjected to aggregation in a test-tube, and shown to form fibrils of a range of sizes (individually ~10 μm), which compromised the cellular nuclear integrity of CAD cells in culture, and elicited a dose-dependent neurotoxicity (β-amyloid(1-42) peptide concentration range 0-25 μM) up to 73%, which was significantly suppressed (up to 24%; p<0.001) by prior treatment with IR1068.