Kusworini Handono, Dian Hasanah, Sri Sunarti, & Handono Kalim
The purpose of the study was to analyze the relationship of vitamin D level with the percentage of LDGs and NETs formation in SLE patients. We studied 28 female SLE patients and 15 matched healthy controls recruited from outpatient of Internal Medicine Department, Saiful Anwar Hospital, Malang. Vitamin D (25OH2)D3) serum level was assessed using ELISA, LDGs number (flowcytometri) and NETs formation (ELISA). Serum level of vitamin D significantly lower in SLE patients than healthy controls (23.17 ± 7.42 vs. 32.11 ± 14.44 ng/ml , p : 0.019 ). Number (%) of LDGs and NETs formation were significantly higher in SLE patients compared to healthy controls. SLE patients with vitamin D level < 20 ng/ml tended to have higher LDGs number and NETs formation than the SLE patients with vitamin D level > 20ng/ml and healthy controls. Low level of vitamin D is associated with increased LDGs number and NETs formation (r : -0.452 to -0.662) .
Published Date: 2013-11-12;