
“Studies on the Development and Shelf Life of Low Calorie Herbal Aonla-Ginger RTS Beverage by Using Artificial Sweeteners”

Kirtiraj K Gaikwad, Suman Singh and B.R. Shakya

Indian gooseberry or aonla (Emblica officinalis) juice contains the high vitamin C (478.56 mg/100 ml).Ginger historically was called Jamaica ginger. It was classified as stimulant and carminative, and used frequently for dyspepsia and colic. Hence aonla juice was blended with ginger juice for increasing the nutritional and functional value of RTS beverages. Aonla juice and ginger juice were utilized at various combinations with sugar and artificial sweeteners (aspartame and saccharine) for preparation of nutritious ready-to-serve (RTS) beverages and evaluated for various physico-chemicals and sensory attributes during storage. The study revealed that the RTS beverage prepared by blending aonla and ginger juice with Aspartame scored maximum for almost all sensorial quality attributes such as appearance, color, flavor, taste and overall acceptability and also found ascorbic acid content (180 mg/100 g). A reducing trend was observed in ascorbic acid and increasing trend was observed in acidity content during the storage of beverage at room temperature over a period of 60 days. The beverage changed significantly with respect to TSS content along the storage period.