
LATEX: Bane or Boon in Health Care

Iqra Jan, Taha Ashraf Qureshi, Fizalah Kawoosa, Afaq H Beigh, Shahid M Baba and Roohi Rasool *

Background: By and large Natural Rubber Latex (NRL) allergy is remarked in individuals after exposure to the material. Since NRL is usually found in various materials used in clinical and surgical practices, so NRL allergy can be manifested at day to day basis. The clinical manifestations of latex allergies can range from mild to severe, but it is important to diagnose these allergic reactions and tackle them in a proper way. Conclusion: Severe anaphylactic shocks have been reported because of Natural rubber latex. Chances of wrong diagnosis or mis-diagnosis are more when it comes to latex allergy there by risking the lives of patients. Therefore, precautions must always be taken while carrying out clinical and surgical procedures in order to achieve satisfactory therapeutic approaches and avoiding inflammatory dermatitis and anaphylactic shocks.Keywords: latex Allergy; Allergic Reactions; Anaphylactic Reaction; Inflammatory Dermatitis