
Integration of Climate Projection Scenarios in Resiliency Planning of Urban Coastal Systems

Rouzbeh Nazari

Coastal and inland flooding has been a problematic occurrence,
specifically over the past century. Global warming has
caused an 8 inch sea level rise since 1990, which made the
coastal flood zone wider, deeper and more damaging. Additionally,
riverine flooding is extremely damaging to the coastal
communities’ substructure and economy as well which causes
river banks to overflow, inundating low-lying areas. Low-lying
coastal areas at severe risk for flood hazard, sea level rise, land
depletion, economic loss, property damage, destroy habitat destruction,
and also threaten human health and safety which are
the main study area of this work. A decision making framework
is being built to help mitigate the impacts of the environmental
and economical dangers of storm surges, sea level rise, flashfloods
and inland flooding. With vigorous research and the
use of innovative hydrologic modeling, this tool can be utilized
to help with resiliency planning for coastal communities. This
will allow the individuals living in a coastal community to understand
the details of climatic hazards in their area and risks
associated to their communities. This tool also suggest the best
solution for the problem each community faces. The results
and benefits from the simulation and modeling techniques, allow
coastal communities to choose the most appropriate method
for building a long lasting and sustainable resilience plan
in the future.

Published Date: 2020-12-23; Received Date: 2020-12-09