
Hidradenoma: A Skin Adnexal Tumour, Case Report and Literature Review

Kiran Kailas C, Nikhil Nanjappa* and Srikantaiah HC

Hidradenoma is a cutaneous, often benign tumour of the sweat glands. Also known by various other names such as nodular hidradenoma, eccrine acrospiroma, and solid cystic hidradenoma. A 41 year old man presented with a painless ulcero-proliferative polypoidal swelling over the right lower anterior abdominal wall. Histopathology of the wide local excision of the tumour revealed benign nodular hidradenoma. Benign Nodular Hidradenoma is known by many names such as solid cystic hidradenoma, clear cell myoepithelioma, eccrine sweat gland adenoma, large cell hidradenoma and eccrineacrospiroma. All patients are to be considered potential candidates for curative surgery. The management includes wide local excision with adequate margins to prevent recurrence. It must be differentiated from dermatofibrosarcoma protuberens as management and prognosis differs greatly.