
Expendable Railroad Sleepers, of Modern Fuels for Power Stoker fired Boilers

Eugeniusz Orszulik

The paper presents a concept of producing energy on the basis of modern alternative fuels with the expendable railroad sleepers to be burnt in power stokerfired boilers. The thermal energy contained in water vapour and hot water will be utilized in producing in combination, of electrical energy, and for heating of cubature objects. There have been presented the properties of alternative fuels obtained: • During the combustion of flammable mixture no I (waste - code 17 02 01 wood - from expendable railroad sleepers with hard coal) met the class 5 (highest) emission value requirements with regard to PN-EN 303- 5: 2012 standard. Other flammable mixtures, no II and III meet the requirements of class 3 (lowest) value with regard to the PN-EN 303-5 standard. The limit for such a low class was the emission value of dust. The laboratory boiler used for testing was not equipped with a device for the separation of dust. In case of equipping the boiler with dust removal device, satisfactory emission results in accordance with the accepted standards of emissions would be obtained. • From combustion of flammable mixtures have been qualified for development in land areas at a depth of 0.3 - 15 m bgl. (23): - Group A: (a) Land immovable of the area protected on the basis of the Water Law regulations. (b) Areas subject to protection on the basis of the nature protection regulations, if maintaining the current level of land pollution does not pose a threat to human health or environment - for these areas the concentrations resulting from the actual state maintain standards. - Group B: Land classified as farming land with the exception of lands under ponds and under ditches, forests as well as lands with a high amount of trees and bushes, wasteland as well as built-up and urbanised land with the exception of industrial, mining and communications areas; - Group C: Industrial, mining and communications areas for the flammable mixture no III - waste - code 17 02 01 wood - from expendable railroad sleepers with cereal straw. Flammable mixtures: no I - waste - code 17 02 01 wood. - From railroad sleepers with hard coal and no II - waste - code 17 02 01 wood - from railroad sleepers with lignite, were qualified to apply to land development in the areas of : - Group C: industrial, mining and communications areas, developed at the depth of 0.3 - 15 bgl. • Using the basic component - wood - from railroad sleepers as composite of alternative fuels will: - Enable to save primary fuels: hard coal and lignite. - Not cause the excess of permissible emission standards of dust and gaseous substances to the air. - Enable the development of slag and ash obtained from the combustion process in groups of lands from: Groups A, B, and C. • Using alternative fuel composites in energetics, containing wood - from expendable railroad sleepers will not require construction changes of boilers and will provide the meeting of conditions for thermal conversion of wastes in accordance with the requirements given in the Regulation of the Minister of Economy. Composites of alternative fuels containing wood - from expendable railroad sleepers will be qualified based on the Minister of En