
E-Waste Trading Impact on Public Health and Ecosystem Services in Developing Countries

Ahsan Shamim, Ali Mursheda K, and Islam Rafiq

During recent year’s accelerated global rise in Waste of Electric and Electronic Equipment (WEEE) and its indiscriminate disposal is becoming a foremost concern for human health and ecosystem services. With the rise in concerns on e-waste management and disposals practices, there are attempts to hold back e-waste generation and processing by a variety of regulatory instrument. Realistically there are substantial deficiencies in regulatory initiatives on worldwide trade, unlawful trafficking and improper handling of e-wastes. Currently, the center of attention on recent studies is primarily focusing on linkages of improper handling and consequent health effects on workers in the developing countries. Several studies emphasized on public health problems and reduced ecosystem services. An imminent concern of global calamity is expected, unless appropriate measures are not placed immediately into actions. These concerns demand a need to re-review the facts from recent research studies and suggest effective plans for collection, handling, disposal and remedy of e-wastes. An across-the-board review of available research and policy strategy is necessary to find a sustainable solution dealing with the global trafficking and trade of e-wastes.